Vanishing and exploding gradient problems


3 min read

The vanishing and exploding gradient problems are common challenges faced when training deep neural networks (DNNs), particularly when using backpropagation and gradient-based optimization techniques. These problems can hinder the learning process and make it difficult to train deep models effectively. In this explanation, I will cover:

  1. Background on deep neural networks and backpropagation

  2. The vanishing gradient problem

  3. The exploding gradient problem

  4. Causes of vanishing and exploding gradients

  5. Solutions to mitigate these problems

  6. Background on deep neural networks and backpropagation

Deep neural networks consist of multiple layers of interconnected neurons, which are organized into input, output, and hidden layers. DNNs learn to map input data to desired outputs by adjusting their weights and biases through a process called backpropagation. Backpropagation relies on gradient-based optimization techniques, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD), to minimize a loss function that measures the difference between the network's predictions and the actual target values.

During backpropagation, the gradients of the loss function with respect to each weight and bias are calculated using the chain rule of calculus. These gradients are then used to update the weights and biases, with the aim of reducing the loss. Gradients represent the sensitivity of the loss to changes in the parameters, indicating the direction in which the weights and biases should be updated to minimize the loss.

  1. The vanishing gradient problem

The vanishing gradient problem occurs when the gradients of the loss function with respect to the weights and biases become very small as they are backpropagated through the layers of the network. When this happens, the weight updates become negligible, and the learning process slows down or even halts entirely. This issue is particularly pronounced in deeper layers of the network, making it difficult to train deep models effectively.

  1. The exploding gradient problem

Conversely, the exploding gradient problem occurs when the gradients become excessively large during backpropagation, leading to substantial weight updates. This can cause the model's parameters to oscillate or diverge, making it difficult for the network to converge to a stable set of weights and biases. As with the vanishing gradient problem, the exploding gradient problem is more pronounced in deeper layers of the network.

  1. Causes of vanishing and exploding gradients

The primary cause of vanishing and exploding gradients is the repeated multiplication of gradients through the layers during backpropagation. When the gradients are consistently smaller than 1, they can shrink exponentially as they are backpropagated, leading to the vanishing gradient problem. Conversely, when the gradients are consistently larger than 1, they can grow exponentially, resulting in the exploding gradient problem.

The choice of activation functions and weight initialization methods can also contribute to these issues. For example, the sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation functions, which were commonly used in early deep learning models, can produce small gradients when their inputs are in the saturated region (i.e., when the input values are too large or too small). This can exacerbate the vanishing gradient problem. Similarly, improper weight initialization can lead to gradients that are either too small or too large, exacerbating both the vanishing and exploding gradient problems.

  1. Solutions to mitigate these problems

    • Xavier/Glorot initialization: Suitable for networks with sigmoid and tanh activation functions, it sets the initial weights proportional to 1/sqrt(n), where n is the number of input units in the neuron's receptive field.

    • He initialization: Designed for networks using ReLU or leaky ReLU activation functions, it initializes weights proportional to sqrt(2/n), where n is the number of input units.