Deep Dive into Categorical Features in DNN Regression: A BigQuery ML Perspective


3 min read

In this blog post, we will discuss the handling of categorical features in Deep Neural Network (DNN) regression models with a specific focus on BigQuery ML, Google's powerful machine learning platform. Categorical variables are a common type of feature that can often lead to a significant improvement in the performance of a model when handled correctly.

Understanding Categorical Features

Categorical features are those that can take on one of a limited, and usually fixed, number of possible values. These values often represent categories or classes, such as the color of a car (red, blue, green, etc.), the type of a product (book, electronics, clothing, etc.), or the occupation of a person (doctor, engineer, artist, etc.).

Encoding Categorical Features: One-Hot Encoding

One of the most common ways to prepare categorical data for use in a machine learning model is to use a technique called one-hot encoding. One-hot encoding is a process by which categorical variables are converted into a form that could be provided to a machine learning algorithm to improve its accuracy.

When a categorical feature is one-hot encoded, each unique category of that feature is turned into a new binary feature (0s and 1s). For example, if we have a feature "color" with categories "red", "blue", and "green", one-hot encoding would convert it into three new features: "color_red", "color_blue", and "color_green". Each of these features would be binary, indicating the presence or absence of the corresponding color.

Why One-Hot Encoding?

One-hot encoding is used because machine learning algorithms, including DNNs, require numerical input. Categorical features are often non-numeric, so they need to be transformed before they can be used. By converting categorical features into a binary format, one-hot encoding allows these features to be represented numerically without imposing an ordinal relationship where one does not exist. This is critical because DNNs and many other machine learning algorithms are not capable of understanding the semantic meaning of categorical values.

How Does One-Hot Encoding Help DNNs Train?

DNNs learn from the data by adjusting the weights and biases in the network through a process called backpropagation. The goal is to minimize the difference between the predicted and actual values, as quantified by a loss function. However, to do this, the data needs to be in a form that the network can understand, i.e., numerical form.

One-hot encoding helps with this by transforming categorical data into a numerical format. This allows the network to learn how different categories (now represented as binary features) contribute to the output. Each of these binary features can be associated with its own weights in the network, enabling the model to learn complex relationships between the categories and the target variable.

Categorical Features in BigQuery ML

In BigQuery ML, you can create DNN models for regression and classification tasks. The platform supports several types of input features, including categorical features.

When you create a model in BigQuery ML, it automatically transforms categorical features into a suitable format for the model. For DNN models, this includes using one-hot encoding for categorical features. BigQuery ML takes care of this transformation behind the scenes, so you don't need to worry about manually one-hot encoding your data.

In summary, categorical features can be powerful predictors in a DNN regression model when properly encoded using methods like one-hot encoding. In the context of BigQuery ML, these transformations are handled automatically, making it easier to build and train powerful DNN models.